The Board Bulletin is a digest of the workings of the Mad River Glen Cooperative, published by the Board of Trustees for the benefit of our shareholders.

<aside> <img src="/icons/list_green.svg" alt="/icons/list_green.svg" width="40px" /> In this bulletin:


Board election: did you forget to send that email?

There are three Board positions opening up this year: two (2) in-state and one (1) out-of-state. If you’re thinking of running, all you need to do by Feb 14 is:

  1. Address an email to [email protected]
  2. Declare your intent to run, and


<aside> <img src="/icons/calendar-day_green.svg" alt="/icons/calendar-day_green.svg" width="40px" /> Key due dates for candidates

As a Board trustee, you’ll work alongside other dedicated folks who bring their best effort to the mission of the Cooperative. We show up prepared and preparation takes time, so if you raise your hand—and we hope that you do—please do so knowing that time is required every month. (Learn more about “How it Works”.)

Note: candidates must be shareholders in good standing in order to be considered for election.

“Thanks to everyone for keeping spirits high in true Mad River fashion.”

After a good stretch of skiing over the December holidays and a corresponding strong financial month, we suffered through a rough 2+ week period of sustained warm temps and non-snow precip events. We were relegated to the Lift 4/Practice Slope chair pod for 2 weeks. We made the best of it. I am looking forward to being able to utilize our snowmaking snow from the Kay’s Grove area above the Birdcage down to the base area in future years. It will add a tremendous amount of consistency to what seems to be increasingly variable seasons.

From the Management Report presented by General Manager, Matt Lillard

<aside> <img src="/icons/mail_green.svg" alt="/icons/mail_green.svg" width="40px" /> Have feedback? ****Send a note to [email protected]


Double midstation: proposed ballot language approved

Trail sign that used to direct skiers to the old Double’s first midstation years ago.

Trail sign that used to direct skiers to the old Double’s first midstation years ago.

While research is underway on the cost and logistics of a Double mid-station, the Board and management continue to prepare for a future Shareholder vote on the project. Language for the ballot was proposed and discussed, with the following receiving unanimous approval:

Shall the Board of Trustees be authorized to make capital expenditures not to exceed $750,000 for the purposes of adding a midstation, a new haul rope, low voltage controls and drive system to the Sunnyside Double Chair?